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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Goodwill towards man times two and a half.

This morning we made the long trek to Olympic Park.  It's a haul from the Olympic Park tube station, especially when it's cold and windy.  We're talking 55 degrees. Ok maybe 62 I don't know, but it was windy and no sun. Once we made it into Olympic Park, we had to show our tickes three times and go through security, which included a medal detector & having our handball tickets scanned.  After about another 10 minute walk Lara ran to the restroom and I ran to get coffee.  I had my handball ticket in my back pocket because the tickets are ginormous and I didn't want to fold it.  As I was standing in line for coffee I noticed my ticket was GONE! First thought was that I dropped it so I scoured the grounds close to me, not wanting to stay too far because my phone doesn't work here and I have no way of contacting anyone I am with and I didn't want to lose my ticket and Lara.  No luck finding the ticket.  My second thought, being the good American I am was " Someone stole it out of my pocket!".  So Lara comes back from the bathroom.  I tell her the bad news.  I was thinking I'd have to stay out in the cold while she enjoyed handball without me.  I was not going to deny her first Olympic handball experience because I'm an idiot.   She was very calm. I had her convinced I had been pickpocketed by some rabid handball fan from Skandinavia who was out to scam some clueless American.  All the volunteers here at the Olympics are very helpful & friendly, so they directed us to the information booth.  I told the nice man what happened and immediately he ran to the ticket office.  Low & behold some very nice person had turned in my ticket! Amazing!! I was amazed it had been turned in. We were shocked that we evidently took all the right steps to get the ticket back within about 20 minutes of losing it! I wish I would have thought to give a thanks or shoutout or reward to the nice person who turned it in, but we were late for the handball match and had to make a beeline to the Copper Box. Who knew handball would be be so much fun?! Women's Brasil vs. Norway.  Brasil led up until the last 7 minutes of the game and then Norway ended up winning.  I'm a woman and I hate watching women's sports unless it's fun like gymnastics or ice skating, but women's handball was awesome and it had a ton of action.  I was bummed we only got to see one game.  Olympic volleyball they let you see two matches.  I wish I could thank the person who turned in my lost ticket.  It really made me proud to be at the Olympics, not just cheering for the Americans and having American pride, but having pride in al people of all nations and the camaradarie that all Olympics fans feel when we are here.  Like Jessica said, go broke, take out a loan, do whatever you can to get to the Olympics.  There is nothing like the fun & sportsmanship and goodwill that happens between everybody!

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