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Sunday, August 5, 2012

No sleep until Chicago!

I've only been here for a day, but I have had very few hours of sleep, and I feel like I lived two days in 24 hours. I have loved London every time I come here, but I have to say it's even more fun during the Olympics! My plans to snag tickets for Saturday fell through, so I walked around London alone trying to get some good shots. There are all sorts of special art, like the sculpture pictured in front of Westminster. Then I found the Chase Visa VIP lounge, which we will be spending MANY hours in this week. Today we ate Morimoto's food at an event (favorite: soba noodles), and we're meeting Nadia Comaneci and Carl Lewis. They have free food and alcohol in there, and it's near Trafalgar Square, which is a happening place.

I feel like the Olympics makes everyone be in a really good mood! People keep offering to take photos for us, and tonight, while we were in the VIP lounge, we got a suggestion that led to our first tickets bought here, which was great, because we were all sad that we weren't getting tickets. There are no scalpers here, and it is REALLY hard to get tickets, so we're thankful for everything we get. Tonight we were trying to beat the clock to pick up our tickets for tomorrow, and when we got out of our taxi, everyone was cheering me to run to the door before they locked it, and everyone was so friendly and full of ideas for us. My favorite fans are the Dutch, mostly because I love their orange. I guess it's the North Newton coming out in me. 

This lady was in front of Westminster!

Self portrait: reflections are handy when you're by yourself!

Chase Visa VIP lounge: AKA center of the American universe in London

Two Leos who will celebrate in their birthdays in London THIS week with the lions in Trafalgar Square!

I'm confused: what else is there in life? 
We ran across a random little Swiss festival and enjoyed a roadie Swiss beer on our way to the pub.

One of the London 2012 mascots, with the Swiss fest in the background. 

Hadn't seen Bob in over 4 years, so it was great to throw down some pints in a lovely beer garden. Boiler Up! We also got to see "South London", which to the untrained ear, sounds like "Saffron". We loved Saffron.

No one would be in London, in a lovely flat in Kensington, if it weren't for these two ladies. Two of my favorites. My sister Lara, and her best friend, Erin.

These two sweet sisters recorded birthday videos for my mother, and then we became BFFs for the evening.

Olympic mania in full force

 Trafalgar Square. The final countdown.

Another self portrait. We were so excited about our VIP lanyards that I will probably sleep in mine. Everyone is wearing around different ones in London.

Morimoto cooked us dinner tonight. For free. We washed it down with a bunch of free booze. Chase Visa, I'm brand loyal now. 

I checked to see if my lanyard was made of real plastic. It was. 

Lara was so bored waiting on our Pimm's pitcher she busted out an Usain Bolt.

Pimm's Cup. A perfect end to a great day!

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